Bulk Insert Multiple Csv Files

Bulk Copy data from Data. Table Data. Set to SQL Server Table using C and VB. Net. In this article I will explain how to use Sql. Bulk. Copy to insert bulk data from Grid. View to database in ASP. Net. Sql. Bulk. Copy class as the name suggests does bulk insert from one source to another and hence multiple selected rows from the Grid. View can be easily read and inserted in SQL Server database table using the Sql. Bulk. Copy class. Database. I have created a simple table named Customers whose schema is shown below. Note The SQL for creating the database is provided in the attached sample code. HTML Markup. The HTML Markup consists of an ASP. Net Grid. View with Check. Box to select rows and a Button for inserting bulk data from Grid. View to SQL Server Database table. Grid. A blog about IT workload optimization, performance, IT efficiency and SQL PDW. Data Loader. Data Loader the most easy and simple way to convert data between MySQL, MS SQL Server, Oracle, MS Access, FoxPro, Excel, CSV and Delimited Text Files. View. IDGrid. View. Auto. Generate. Columnsfalse lt Columns    lt asp Template. Field        lt Item. Template            lt asp Check. Box. IDCheck. Box. FEQz9VhJc0.png' alt='Bulk Insert Multiple Csv Files' title='Bulk Insert Multiple Csv Files' />Item. Template    lt asp Template. Field    lt asp Bound. Field. Data. FieldIdHeader. TextIdItem. Style Width3. Bound. Field. Data. FieldNameHeader. TextNameItem. Style Width1. Bound. Field. Data. FieldCountryHeader. SR1lU9zLUT.png' alt='Bulk Insert Multiple Csv Files R' title='Bulk Insert Multiple Csv Files R' />TextCountryItem. Style Width1. 50 lt Columns lt asp Grid. View lt br lt asp Button. IDButton. 1TextBulk InsertOn. ClickBulkInsertrunatserver Namespaces. You will need to import the following namespaces. Cusing System. Data using System. Data. Sql. Client using System. Configuration VB. Net. Imports System. Data. Imports System. Data. Sql. Client. Imports System. Configuration. Populating the Grid. View. In this article I am populating the Grid. View using the following XML file in the Page Load event. Customers lt Customer    lt Id 1lt Id    lt Name John Hammondlt Name    lt Country United Stateslt Country lt Customer lt Customer    lt Id 2lt Id    lt Name Mudassar Khanlt Name    lt Country Indialt Country lt Customer lt Customer    lt Id 3lt Id    lt Name Suzanne Mathewslt Name    lt Country Francelt Country lt Customer lt Customer    lt Id 4lt Id    lt Name Robert Schidnerlt Name    lt Country Russialt Country lt Customer lt Customers Cprotectedvoid PageLoadobject sender, Event. Args e    if Is. Post. Back            Data. Set ds new. Data. Set        ds. Read. XmlServer. Map. PathCustomers. Grid. View. 1. Data. Fgi3m2U4/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Bulk Insert Multiple Csv Files' title='Bulk Insert Multiple Csv Files' />Source ds. Tables0        Grid. View. 1. Data. Bind    VB. Net. Protected. Sub PageLoadsender As. Object, e As. Event. Args Handles. Me. Load    If. Not. Me. Is. Post. Back Then        Dim ds As. Terramodel Command List including TMLs compiled by Geocomp Systems. Here Mudassar Ahmed Khan has explained how to perform Bulk Insert records and Update existing rows if record exists using C and VB. Net. SqlBulkCopy as the name. Importing and modifying Active Directory users with AD Bulk Users Importing users into Active Directory CSV, Excel The import file can be formatted using the CSV. Home bcp using format files. Author Nigel Rivett If the format of the file matches the table then it is simple to bcp the file without use of a format file. Dont BULK INSERT into your real tables directly. I would always. insert into a staging table dbo. EmployeeStaging without the IDENTITY column from the CSV file. Did you ever consider sending out bulk emails in your job quest I dont mean spamming, but rather targeting a few, or maybe even a few dozen recruiters or. New. Data. Set        ds. Read. XmlServer. Map. PathCustomers. Grid. View. 1. Data. Source ds. Tables0        Grid. View. 1. Data. Bind    End. If. End. Sub. Inserting bulk data from Grid. View to SQL Server database table in ASP. Net. The following event handler is executed on the click of the Button. Here first a Data. Table is created with column schema same as that of the destination SQL Server database table and then a loop is executed of the Grid. View rows. Inside the loop, the values of the cells of the rows in which the Check. Box is checked are fetched and are inserted into the Data. Table we had created earlier. Now a connection is established with the database and the Sql. Bulk. Copy object is initialized and the name of the Table is specified using the Destination. Table. Name property. Finally the columns are mapped and all the rows from the Data. Table are inserted into the SQL Server table. Note The mapping of columns of the Data. Table and the SQL Server table is optional and you need to do only in case where your Data. Driverpack Solution 12 more. Table andor the SQL Server Table do not have same number of columns or the names of columns are different. Cprotectedvoid BulkInsertobject sender, Event. Args e    Data. Table dt new. Data. Table    dt. Columns. Add. Rangenew. Data. Column3 new. Data. ColumnId, typeofint,                        new. Data. ColumnName, typeofstring,                        new. Data. ColumnCountry,typeofstring     foreach Grid. View. Row row in Grid. View. 1. Rows            if row. Find. ControlCheck. Box. 1 as. Check. Box. Checked                    int id int. Parserow. Cells1. Text            string name row. Cells2. Text            string country row. Cells3. Text            dt. Rows. Addid, name, country                if dt. Rows. Count 0            string cons. String Configuration. Manager. Connection. Stringsconstr. Connection. String        using Sql. Connection con new. Sql. Connectioncons. String                    using Sql. Generateur Keygen Jeux Steam Pc. Bulk. Copy sql. Bulk. Copy new. Sql. Bulk. Copycon                            Set the database table name                sql. Bulk. Copy. Destination. Table. Name dbo. Customers                OPTIONAL Map the Data. Table columns with that of the database table                sql. Bulk. Copy. Column. Mappings. AddId, Customer. Id                sql. Bulk. Copy. Column. Mappings. AddName, Name                sql. Bulk. Copy. Column. Mappings. AddCountry, Country                con. Open                sql. Bulk. Copy. Write. To. Serverdt                con. Close                        VB. Net. Protected. Sub BulkInsertsender As. Object, e As. Event. Args    Dim dt As. New. Data. Table    dt. Columns. Add. RangeNew. Data. Column2 New. Data. ColumnId, Get. TypeInteger, New. Data. ColumnName, Get. TypeString, New. Data. ColumnCountry, Get. TypeString    For. Each row As. Grid. View. Row. In Grid. View. 1. Rows        If. Try. Castrow. Find. ControlCheck. Box. Check. Box. Checked Then            Dim id As. Integer Integer. Parserow. Cells1. Text            Dim name As. String row. Cells2. Text            Dim country As. String row. Cells3. Text            dt. Rows. Addid, name, country        End. If    Next    If dt. Rows. Count 0 Then        Dim cons. String As. String Configuration. Manager. Connection. Stringsconstr. Connection. String        Using con As. New. Sql. Connectioncons. String            Using sql. Bulk. Copy As. New. Sql. Bulk. Copycon                Set the database table name                sql. Bulk. Copy. Destination. Table. Name dbo. Customers                OPTIONAL Map the Data. Table columns with that of the database table                sql. Bulk. Copy. Column. Mappings. AddId, Customer. Id                sql. Bulk. Copy. Column. Mappings. AddName, Name                sql. Bulk. Copy. Column. Mappings. AddCountry, Country                con. Open                sql. Bulk. Copy. Write. To. Serverdt                con. Close            End. Using        End. Using    End. If. End. Sub. Downloads. BULK INSERT with identity auto increment column. I had this exact same problem which made loss hours so im inspired to share my findings and solutions that worked for me. Use an excel file. This is the approach I adopted. Instead of using a csv file, I used an excel file. Notice that the id column has no value. Next, connect to your DB using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and right click on your database and select import data submenu under task. Select Microsoft Excel as source. When you arrive at the stage called Select Source Tables and Views, click edit mappings. For id column under destination, click on it and select ignore. Dont check Enable Identity insert unless you want to mantain ids incases where you are importing data from another database and would like to maintain the auto increment id of the source db. Proceed to finish and thats it. Your data will be imported smoothly. Using CSV file. In your csv file, make sure your data is like below. Run the query below BULK INSERT Metrics FROM D Data ManagementDataCSV2Production Data 2. WITH FIRSTROW 2, FIELDTERMINATOR, ROWTERMINATOR n. The problem with this approach is that the CSV should be in the DB server or some shared folder that the DB can have access to otherwise you may get error like Cannot opened file. The operating system returned error code 2. The device is not ready. If you are connecting to a remote database, then you can upload your CSV to a directory on that server and reference the path in bulk insert. Using CSV file and Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio import option. Launch your import data like in the first approach. For source, select Flat file Source and browse for your CSV file. Make sure the right menu General, Columns, Advanced, Preview are ok. Game The Punisher Pc more. Make sure to set the right delimiter under columns menu Column delimiter. Just like in the excel approach above, click edit mappings. For id column under destination, click on it and select ignore. Proceed to finish and thats it. Your data will be imported smoothly.