Python Monkey Patch Static Method

Safely applying monkey patches in Python. Monkey patching in Python is often see as being one of those things you should never do. Some do regard it as a useful necessity you cant avoid in order to patch bugs in third party code. Others will argue though that with so much software being Open Source these days that you should simply submit a fix to the upstream package maintainer. Monkey patching has its uses well beyond just patching bugs though. The two most commonly used forms of monkey patching in Python which you might not even equate with monkey patching are decorators and the use of mocking libraries to assist in performing unit testing. Another not some common case of monkey patching is to add instrumentation to existing Python code in order to add performance monitoring capabilities. On the issue of decorators I wrote a quite detailed series of blog posts at the start of last year about where decorators can cause problems. The primary problem there was decorators which arent implemented in a way which preserve proper introspection capabilities, and which dont preserve the correct semantics of the Python descriptor protocol when applied to methods of classes. When one starts to talk about monkey patching arbitrary code, rather than simply applying decorators to your own code, both of these issues become even more important as you could quite easily interfere with the behaviour of the existing code you are monkey patching in unexpected ways. This is especially the case when monkey patching methods of a class. This is because when using decorators they would be applied while the class definition is being constructed. When doing monkey patching you are coming in after the class definition already exists and as a result you have to deal with a number of non obvious problems. Now when I went and wrote the blog posts last year on decorators it was effectively the result of what I learnt from implementing the wrapt package. Although that package is known as providing a way for creating well behaved decorators, that wasnt the primary aim in creating the package. The real reason for creating the package was actually to implement robust mechanisms for monkey patching code. It just so happened that the same underlying principles and mechanism required to safely do monkey patching apply to implementing the function wrappers required for decorators. Public static string Left. Javascript, Python, Perl. Monkeypatching is the technique of swapping functions or methods with others in. Instance monkeypatching in Python. Fix Python 3 support. Sunset Overdrive Pc Tpb'>Sunset Overdrive Pc Tpb. Patch by Victor Stinner. Static routes can now interpolate variable parts in the path. Method is a list of HTTP methods that are valid. What I am going to do with this blog post is start to explain the monkey patching capabilities of the wrapt package. Creating a decorator. Before we jump into monkey patching of arbitrary code we first need to recap how the wrapt package could be used to create a decorator. The primary pattern for this was import wraptimport inspect wrapt. None if inspect. Decorator was applied to a class. Decorator was applied to a function or staticmethod. Decorator was applied to a classmethod. Decorator was applied to an instancemethod. A special feature of the decorators that could be created by the wrapt package was that within the decorator you could determine the context the decorator was used in. That is, whether the decorator was applied to a class, a function or static method, a class method or an instance method. For the case where the decorator was applied to an instance method you are provided a separate argument to the instance of the class. For a class method the separate argument is a reference to the class itself. In both cases these are separated from the args and kwargs argument so you do not need to fiddle around with extracting it yourself. A decorator created using wrapt is therefore what I call a universal decorator. In other words, it is possible to create a single decorator implementation that can be used across functions, methods and classes and you can tell at the time of the call the scenario and adjust the behaviour of the decorator accordingly. You no longer have to create multiple implementations of a decorator and ensure that you are using the correct one in each scenario. Using this decorator is then no different to any other way that decorators would be used. Exampleobject    universaldef nameself return nameFor those who have used Python long enough though, you would remember that the syntax for applying a decorator in this way hasnt always existed. Before the syntax was allowed you could still create and use decorators, but you had to be more explicit in applying them. That is, you had to write class Exampleobject    def nameself return namename universalname This can still be done and when written this way it makes it clearer how decorators are in a way a form of monkey patching. This is because often all they are doing is introducing a wrapper around some existing function which allows the call to the original function to be intercepted. The wrapper function then allows you to perform actions either before or after the call to the original function, or allow you to modify the arguments passed to the wrapped function, or otherwise modify the result in some way, or even substitute the result completely. What is an important distinction though with decorators is that the wrapper function is being applied at the time the class containing the method is being defined. In contrast more arbitrary monkey patching involves coming in some time later after the class definition has been created and applying the function wrapper at that point. In effect you are doing class Exampleobject def nameself return nameExample. Example. nameAlthough a decorator function created using the wrapt package can be used in this way and will still work as expected, in general I would discourage this pattern for monkey patching an existing method of a class. This is because it isnt actually equivalent to doing the same thing within the body of the class when it is defined. U49coUxij4/VxeV8iMGoCI/AAAAAAAAAQ0/Q_NlLitPf4AHq6ozYefeMKQzQLZXfPVVwCLcB/s1600/Internet-Download-Manager-6.25-Build-15.png' alt='Python Monkey Patch Static Method' title='Python Monkey Patch Static Method' />In particular the access of Example. We can see this by running the code class Exampleobject def nameself return nameprint typenameprint typeExample. In general this may not matter, but I have seen some really strange corner cases where the distinction has mattered. To deal with this therefore, the wrapt package provides an alternate way of applying wrapper functions when doing monkey patching after the fact. In the case of adding wrappers to methods of class, this will use a mechanism which avoids any problems caused by this subtle distinction. Adding function wrappers. For general monkey patching using the wrapt package, rather than using the decorator factory to create a decorator and then apply that to a function, you instead define just the wrapper function and then use a separate function to apply it to the target function. The prototype for the wrapper function is the same as before, but we simply do not apply the wrapt. Western Rope Fonts. To add the wrapper function to a target function we now use the wrapt. Exampleobject def nameself return nameimport wraptwrapt. IVCU-xmcs3w/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAUw/Q1dwLVUc8Jg/photo.jpg?sz=500' alt='Python Monkey Patch Static Method' title='Python Monkey Patch Static Method' />Monkey Patching in python. July 20. but if the change is very small then the faster method will be to monkey patch that function or module. I/61dcFrEZbKL.jpg' alt='Python Monkey Patch Static Method' title='Python Monkey Patch Static Method' />Example, name, wrapperIn this case we had the class in the same code file, but we could also have done import exampleimport wraptwrapt. Example. name, wrapperThat is, we provide the first argument as the module the target is defined in, with the second argument being the object path to the method we wished to apply the wrapper to. We could also skip importing the module altogether and just used the name of the module. Example. name, wrapperJust to prove that just about anything can be simplified by the user of a decorator, we finally could write the whole thing as import wraptwrapt. Monkey patch Python class. I am but an egg. Perhaps it is obvious to not newbies, but I needed the from some. I had to modify one method of Generally. Helpful. Class. This failed import some. Master Key Ebook more. Specially. Helpful. Python Monkey Patch Static Method' title='Python Monkey Patch Static Method' />Python Monkey Patch Static MethodClasssome. Generally. Helpful. Class. def generalmethodself. Generally. Helpful. Class Specially. Helpful. Class. The code ran, but didnt use the behaviors overloaded onto Specially. Helpful. Class. This worked from some. Specially. Helpful. Classmodule. Generally. Helpful. Class. def generalmethodself. Generally. Helpful. Class Specially. Helpful. Class. I speculate that the from. Alex wrote, as it will be picked up by other modules in the package. Speculating further, the longer dotted reference seems to bring the module into the namespace with the import by long dotted reference, but doesnt change the module used by other namespaces. Thus changes to the import module would only appear in the name space where they were made. Its as if there were two copies of the same module, each available under slightly different references.