Head First Design Pattern Pdf

Free Crochet Doily Pattern Doily of the Month. Factory Pattern. Factory pattern is one of the most used design patterns in Java. This type of design pattern comes under creational pattern as this pattern provides. Asilomar Mathematics Conference Linking Math With Art Through The Elements of Design Presented by Rene Goularte Thermalito Union School District Oroville. Object Oriented Analysis and Design is another book from head first series dealing with design and analysis phases in software development. Those phases are probably. Head First Design Pattern Pdf' title='Head First Design Pattern Pdf' />Common REST Design Pattern DZone Web Dev. Based on the same architectural pattern of the web, REST has a growing dominance of the SOA Service Oriented Architecture implementation these days. In this article, we will discuss some basic design principles of REST. SOAP The Remote Procedure Call Model. Before the REST become a dominance, most of SOA architecture are built around WS stack, which is fundamentally a RPC Remote Procedure Call model. Under this model, Service is structured as some Procedure exposed by the system. Head First Design Pattern Pdf' title='Head First Design Pattern Pdf' />Head First Design Pattern PdfFor example, WSDL is used to define the procedure call syntax such as the procedure name, the parameter and their structure. SOAP is used to define how to encode the procedure call into an XML string. Kiss Before Midnight English Patch. And there are other WSstandards define higher level protocols such as how to pass security credentials around, how to do transactional procedure call, how to discover the service location. Unfortunately, the WSstack are getting so complicated that it takes a steep learning curve before it can be used. On the other hand, it is not achieving its original goal of inter operability probably deal to different interpretation of what the spec says. In the last 2 years, WStechnology development has been slowed down and the momentum has been shifted to another model REST. REST The Resource Oriented Model. REST REpresentation State Transfer is introduced by Roy Fielding when he captured the basic architectural pattern that make the web so successful. Observing how the web pages are organized and how they are linked to each other, REST is modeled around a large number of Resources which link among each other. As a significant difference with WS REST raises the importance of Resources as well as its Linkage, on the other hand, it push down the importance of Procedures. Under the WSmodel, Service in the SOA is organized as large number of Resources. Each resource will have a URI that make it globally identifiable. A resource is represented by some format of Representation which is typically extracted by an idempotent HTTP GET. The representation may embed other URI which refers to other resources. This emulates an HTML link between web pages and provide a powerful way for the client to discover other services by traversing its links. Rage. After The Impact. Comics, Complete 1-3. It also make building SOA search engine possible. On the other hand, REST down play the Procedure aspect and define a small number of action based on existing HTTP Methods. As we discussed above, HTTP GET is used to get a representation of the resource. To modify a resource, REST use HTTP PUT with the new representation embedded inside the HTTP Body. To delete a resource, REST use HTTP DELETE. To get metadata of a resource, REST use HTTP HEAD. Notice that in all these cases, the HTTP Body doesnt carry any information about the Procedure. This is quite different from WSSOAP where the request is always made using HTTP POST. At the first glance, it seems REST is quite limiting in terms of the number of procedures that it can supported. It turns out this is not the case, REST allows any Procedure which has a side effect to use HTTP POST. Effectively, REST categorize the operations by its nature and associate well defined semantics with these categories ie GET for read only, PUT for update, DELETE for remove, all above are idempotent while provide an extension mechanism for application specific operations ie POST for application procedures which may be non idempotent. URI Naming Convention. Since resource is usually mapped to some state in the system, analyzing its lifecycle is an important step when designing how a resource is created and how an URI should be structured. Typically there are some eternal, singleton Factory Resource which create other resources. Factory resource typically represents the type of resources. Factory resource usually have a static, well known URI, which is suffixed by a plural form of the resource type. Some examples are. Resource Instance, which are created by the Factory Resource usually represents an instance of that resource type. Sap Gui Adobe Livecycle Designer. Resource instances typically have a limited life span. Their URI typically contains some unique identifier so that the corresponding instance of the resource can be located. Some examples are. Dependent Resource are typically created and owned by an existing resource during part of its life cycle. Therefore dependent resource has an implicit life cycle dependency on its owning parent. When a parent resource is deleted, all the dependent resource it owns will be deleted automatically. Dependent resource use an URI which has prefix of its parent resource URI. Some examples are. Creating Resource To create a resource instance of a particular resource type, make an HTTP POST to the Factory Resource URI. If the creation is successful, the response will contain a URI of the resource that has been created. To create a book. POST books HTTP1. Host xyz. com. Content Type applicationxml charsetutf 8. Content Length nnnlt book lt title. Ricky Holt author lt book HTTP1. Created. Content Type applicationxml charsetutf 8. Location books4. To create a dependent resource, make an HTTP POST to its owning resources URITo upload the content of a book using HTTP POST. POST books4. 54. HTTP1. Host example. Content Type applicationpdf. Content Length nnnnpdf dataHTTP1. Created. Content Type applicationpdf. Location books4. HTTP POST is typically used to create a resource when its URI is unknown to the client before its creation. However, if the URI is known to the client, then an idempotent HTTP PUT should be used with the URI of the resource to be created. To upload the content of a book using HTTP PUT. HTTP1. 1 2. 01 Created. Content Type applicationpdf. Location books4. HTTP1. OKFinding Resources. Make an HTTP GET to the factory resource URI, criteria pass in as parameters. Note that it is up to the factory resource to interpret the query parameter. To search for books with a certain author. GET books authorRicky HTTP1. Host xyz. com. Content Type applicationxml charsetutf 8. HTTP1. 1 2. 00 OKContent Type applicationxml charsetutf 8. Content Length nnnlt books lt book lt ref http xyz. Rickylt author lt book lt book lt ref http xyz. Rickylt author lt book lt books Another school of thoughts is to embed the criteria in the URI path, such as. Ricky I personally prefers the query parameters mechanism because it doesnt imply any order of search criteria. Lookup a particular resource. Make an HTTP GET to the resource object URI Lookup a particular book. GET books4. 54. HTTP1. Host xyz. Content Type applicationxml charsetutf 8. HTTP1. 1 2. 00 OKContent Type applicationxml charsetutf 8. Content Length nnnlt book lt title. Ricky Holt author lt book In case the resource have multiple representation format. The client should specify within the HTTP header Accept of its request what format she is expecting. Lookup a dependent resource. Make an HTTP GET to the dependent resource object URI Download the table of content of a particular book. GET books4. 54. HTTP1. Host xyz. Content Type applicationpdf. HTTP1. 1 2. 00 OKContent Type applicationpdf.